Schlagwort: From other blogs

OA to clinical data

Thanks to Peter Suber Jack W. Smith, Issues Related to Open Access and Clinical Data Repositories, a public lecture at Rice University, March 2, 2007.  The lecture will soon be available as a webcast.

AGMB-Tagung 2007

Von Christiane Wagner: Die diesjährige Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Medizinisches Bibliothekswesen (AGMB) findet vom 24.09. – 26.09.2007 in Ulm statt. Das Tagungsmotto lautet „Medizinbibliotheken mitten im Zentrum von (E-)Learning, Forschung und Patientenversorgung“. Nähere Informationen finden Sie unter:

Wiley buys Blackwell: Growing dysfunction in the journal market

[Thanks to Peter Suber] The ARL has published an Issue Brief on Wiley’s acquisition of Blackwell, February 26, 2007.  Excerpt: This document briefly outlines the growing dysfunction in the journal market resulting from the exercise of market power by an ever-shrinking…

Five problems with the subscription business model

Thanks to Peter Suber: Jan Velterop, Failing business models, The Parachute, February 22, 2007.  Excerpt: …The subscription system has the following problems (and quite possibly more) [PS: numbers added]: The price to readers/libraries bears no relation to quality…. The price…

Elsevier’s US lobbying during 2006

Thanks Peter Suber: William Walsh has a detailed summary of Elsevier’s lobbying activity in the US during 2006.  His summary is based on a report from the Center for Public Integrity, using data from the Senate Office of Public Records. Bottom line:  in…

Three new blogs from BMC

[Thanks OAN] BioMed Central has started a blog, although it’s still in a pre-launch phase. Today, for example, BMC Publisher Matt Cockerill posted a note about the Brussels Conference, and included a link to his own presentation, Open Access publishing…

Googling a Diagnosis…Dilbert Style

[Thanks to Krafty] Scott Adams liest wohl auch BMJ: Googling for a diagnosis. If you haven’t seen this on Medlib-l today you might want to have a look and laugh.

The Krafty Librarian Has Moved

The Krafty Librarian blog has moved to Please change your bookmarks and update your RSS feed.

Nach Google Base nun Google Brain?

Larry Page, the co-founder of Google was talking to a group of scientists at the American Association for the Advancement of Science and mentioned that they were working on developing true Artificial Intelligence. “It’s not as far off as people…

Third-party tools for PubMed

Thanks to Peter Suber: Over at Journalology, Matt Hodgkinson reviews a group of third-party tools for searching or mining PubMed.

Medical Wikis en masse

Thanks to Lambert: Obwohl Oliver & Co. dieses Thema bereits abdecken, möchte ich auch hier immer mal wieder auf die rasche Verbreitung und intensive Nutzung von Social Software im Bereich der medizinischen Fachinformationen hinweisen. Die Kollegen Medizinbibliothekare sind dem Rest…

Journal of the Medical library Assoc 2007 nr 1

[Thanks to Biomedbiblog] Table of contents Artikel in Auswahl: Trends in reference usage statistics in an academic health sciences library Improving e-book access via a library-developed full-text search tool Continuing use of print-only information by researchers

Looking for OA copies of needed articles

Thanks to Peter Suber: Sarah Washford, Free Journal Articles, Info Junkie, January 22, 2007.  Excerpt: …When we receive an article request in our interlibrary loan department we tend to send it straight to the British Library and usually a quality…

Wiley kauft Blackwell

Auf den Kauf von Blackwell durch Wiley und die sich daraus ergebenden Moeglichkeiten und Gefahren der Nutzung der Alleinstellung im Markt in Bezug auf Preise und Leistungen weisen die aktuellen Offenen Briefe von Bibliotheks- und Wissenschaftsorganisationen hin. Links siehe…

… und ich quassel da jetzt so rein …

Netbib-Gründer Edlef Stabenau erklimmt neue Höhen des Bloggens – Podcasting made easy (and curious)! Besonders gut gefällt mir die Erkennungsmelodie (und sofort saust der Verstand: Welche werde ich mir wohl zulegen?). Podcast wird auf jeden Fall neue Kategorie bei medinfo…


Thanks Biomedbiblog MedStory – Intelligent Search for Health & Medicine „Medstory's mission is to enable users to search complex fields on the Web intelligently. We're starting with health and medicine – an area where many people will appreciate a…


With thanks from Biomedbiblog: Relemed: Sentence-level search engine with relevance score for the MEDLINE database of biomedical articles. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2007, 7:1 “We have developed Relemed, a search engine for MEDLINE. Relemed increases specificity and precision…

Gezondheidszorgsystemen in Europa

With thanks to Biomedbiblog: De EU heeft een lijst aangelegd met links naar beschrijving van de gezondheidszorgsystemen in de verschillende landen in Europa. Ze heten voor een groot deel hetzelfde, om een paar van onze buren te noemen: Nederland Health…