LITA Forum 2005: The Ubiquitous Web

Die Library & Information Technology Association (LITA) ist in den frühen 90ern mit Thinking robots, an aware internet, and cyberpunk librarians eine meiner Inspirationsquellen gewesen. vom 29.9.-2.10. können Sie in San Jose, Kalifornien, live bei dem historischen Moment dabei sein, wenn das Ubiquitous Web ( Personalization, Portability, and On-line Collaboration) aus der Taufe gehoben wird (aber warum finde ich dann keinen einzigen Vortrag, der sich mit Smart Dust beschäftigt?). Die Preconference Workshops sind nicht mein Ding, aber die Keynote Speakers:

  • Roy Tennant: Googlezon, Episode VI: Return of the Librarians (Like some sort of grade B movie, we’ve stood idly by while Googlezon has kidnapped our patrons and ravaged our collection and building budgets. Are we going to let them get away with it? Of course not! Come hear about how librarians can still vanquish Googlezon and win back our rightful place as the guardians of the world’s knowledge and all that is good. Jawohl! 😀
  • danah boyd [sic!]: Blogging Outloud: Shifts in Public Voice (What is blogging? Who is the audience? And why would anyone write one anyhow? This talk will analyze the practice of blogging, emphasizing the diverse ways in which people use this medium to express that which is dear to them and share their thoughts with a broader community of like-minds. Embedded in this talk will be discussions of audience negotiation, the tension between textuality and orality, and the role of architecture in helping people manage their voice.)
  • Michael Gorman: Bibliographic Control and the Web: An Oxymoron? (ok, der nicht so)
  • David Levy: Information and the Quality of Life: Environmentalism for the Information Age (about information overload, fragmented attention, and the busyness and speedup of everyday life)

In den Concurrent Sessions wird es wieder fader, bis auf:

  • Gerry McKiernan: Web Feeds: The Greatest Thing Since Sliced Bread!

Ach, gäbe es doch einen Direktflug Graz-San Jose! 😥