Schlagwort: Smartphone

To blur the boundaries between the physical and electronic world…

From Gerry McKiernan. Walsh A. 2010. QR Codes – using mobile phones to deliver library instruction and help at the point of need. Journal of information literacy, 4(1), pp. 55-65 Abstract Though true location aware devices such as GPS enabled…

Thieme stellt e-Books um: Flash statt PDF

Foto: Angenommen Sie kaufen den Herold als Mobipocket-Buch und nach drei Monaten gibt ihr PDA den Geist auf. Angenommen Sie kaufen George Orwells 1984 und nach drei Monaten gibt es keinen Zugang zu mehr, weil Amazon was mit dem…

The Scientist And The Smartphone

The Scientist And The Smartphone, Editorial Nature methods. Mobile computing platforms such as the iPhone are beginning to make inroads into the laboratory—serious prospect or fairy tale?

Libraries , eBooks, and the Mobile Web

ReadWriteWeb meldet in Libraries , eBooks, and the Mobile Web : A Long Ways to Go, dass According to a new report from Cambridge University (PDF), students aren’t interested in being able to read eBooks and eJournals on their mobile…

Technology preferences and habits of medical students

Epocrates’ fourth annual Future Physicians of America survey polled more than 1,000 medical students about their technology preferences and habits. Epocrates found that nearly 90 percent of medical students view information available through mobile or online drug and disease references,…

Thomson Reuters‘ Mobile Strategy

Thomson Reuters‘ Mobile Strategy: „Mobile services are increasingly becoming a priority across the entire company,“ says Alisa Bowen, senior vice president and head of consumer publishing at Thomson Reuters. And she stressed the company’s intention to be device agnostic. It’s…

AllOne Mobile: Web is not enough for health coaching

In diesem Artikel sagt Avignone folgendes: The phone, the landline isn’t going to work anymore. Email is not going to work anymore. And, certainly, a Web page is not going to work anymore. People are now texting more than they…

Genombewußt einkaufen mit dem Smartphone

In Your Mobile and Your Genomic Data? A ScienceRoll diskutiert Bertalan Meska die Eignung des Google Smartphones für die so genannte Genome Based Economy, d.h. „genombewußtes Einkaufen“. Ich scanne den Schokoriegel im Supermarkt und das G-Phone sagt mir, ob ich…

PDA or Smartphone?

Brian Dolan points out Why “PDA” is no longer appropriate, but „Smartphone“ may by the wrong term either: A new report from Forrester Research analyst Ian Fogg suggests that the term “smartphone” is no longer helpful because it fails to…