Kluft zwischen Wissenschaftlern und Bibliothekaren überbrückbar?

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Der Beitrag von Martin im Nature Network mit dem leicht provokativen Titel Scientists and librarians: friend or foe? ist sehr lesenswert. Ihr könnt dort oder hier kommentieren.

Hier eine Zusammenfassung meines Kommentars dort:

„I can’t imagine that a librarian thinks of himself as a foe for faculty. Usually they try to be friends and helpful. But I can imagine that faculty may regard some librarians not supporting them enough or not appropriate and perceive their acting as hostile. Maybe we need to know more from each other to gain a better understanding. Librarians need to perform continuous information needs assessments to gain a far better knowledge what their customers really need. And physicians and researcher need to invite librarians to their journal clubs and team sessions to get an better understanding what they are capable of and to correct their expectations accordingly.

An example: Usually, in German medical libraries, there is only one subject librarian with a scientifical background. He (or she) acts as a library manager, which includs not only acquisition decisions and subject classification and journal package negotiations, but also staff development, budget accounting, and administrative and organizational issues of every kind: The medical library is a little university library in itself. Not surprisingly, there’s not much time left for new projects, modern technology, “reinventing things” or just learning enough RefWorks or Yammer or BenchPress to be of substantial help for users.

Or lets take a look at the offerings: We promote our specific knowledge like free beer to the faculty (take a look at the House Calls), but they never ever asked for courses on Impact Factors, EBM, or even PubMed. Maybe they already know everything what they need to know or the access to literature is to easy to be taught any more… I don’t know. Certainly there’s a gap and we try to close it by chat or house calls, but I’m not that much convinced we will succeed. I would like to be proven wrong …

I forget the most important thing 🙂 We have far too few physicians such as Martin which look beyond their horizon. His demanding interest in libraries will for sure make us better anyway…“

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