EAHIL: Electronic election for the President and Executive Board

Mann, sind wir fortschrittlich!

The election for the EAHIL President (2009-2010) and Executive Board Members (2009-2012) is open from the 15th of May until the 14th of June.

The nomination procedures and the nomination form were published in Journal of EAHIL 2008;4(1):59-60 and the candidates will be presented in the latest issue of the Journal of EAHIL 2008;4(2) due out May 5. The elections will be done electronically through the Membership Database. Instructions for voting:

1. Go to EAHIL web http://www.eahil.net/;
2. Click on Membership database;
3. Login with your userid and password.
4. Click on Elections and you will get a list of all current elections, i.e. EAHIL President and EAHIL Executive Board Members.
5. Click first on the election for EAHIL President and you will get the candidate list and information on the maximum number of votes you can cast. You can click on the candidate’s name to get the address information for the candidate, for instance workplace and even a photo if the candidate has added his/her photo in the membership database. If you want to vote for a candidate you just check the checkbox after the candidate’s name.
6. When you have checked the boxes for your candidate(s). Press the vote button. If you have voted for fewer candidates than your maximum number of votes, you will be informed that you have chosen too few candidates. You can press vote again to proceed or check the boxes for more candidates and then press vote
7. Go back to the list over elections by clicking on Elections. Click then on EAHIL Executive Board Members and follow the same procedure (paragraph 5 and 6)
You can only vote once in each election!