EAHIL Council Vertreter für Deutschland

Die deutschen EAHIL-Mitglieder dürfen Ende des Jahres ihre beiden Vertreter für den EAHIL Council wählen. Zur Zeit ist Friedhelm Rump unser einziger Vertreter, er kann (und sollte) wiedergewählt werden. Da es aber mehr als 30 deutsche EAHIL-Mitglieder gibt (genau sind es 41), haben wir Anrecht auf einen zweiten Vertreter. Für diesen Posten dürfen Sie jemanden aus Ihren Reihen vorschlagen. Das Prozedere sieht so aus: 2 Vorschlagende und 1 Kandidat füllen dieses Formular aus und schicken es bis zum 1.12. an die EAHIL. Dann wird es einen einmonatigen, vollelektronischen Wahlprozeß geben, an dessem Ende zwei Vertreter für die Periode 2007-2010 die deutschen Farben im Council vertreten.

Die ganze Election Mail von EAHIL-Präsident Arne Jakobsson hänge ich hier unten mal an, da sie ziemlich lang ist:

EAHIL council election 2006 for the period 2007-2010.

The Council is an advisory group for the Board and acts as a link between the
members in their country and the Association. The council members have an
important role in publicising EAHIL, recruiting new members and recommending
applications for EAHIL membership (approving membership applications in the
membership database). The council usually meets formally once a year at the time
of the annual EAHIL conference or workshop.

Each member state of the Council of Europe
(http://www.coe.int/T/E/Com/About_Coe/Member_states/default.asp) (or group of
states, in accordance with the Rules of Procedure) can elect one council member
if there are at least five voting members and one additional delegate for each
state for each further block of twenty five (25) voting members up to a maximum
of three delegates per country.

The number of council delegates for a country:
• less than 5 voting members = 0 delegates
• 5-29 voting members = 1 delegate
• 30-54 voting members = 2 delegates
• 55 and over = 3 delegates

Delegates of member states are elected for a term of four years by the voting
EAHIL members resident in their country. They may be re-elected once, after
which they are not eligible for re-election until they have been absent from the
Council for two years.

For many councillors their term ends 2006. Also, because of the growth of EAHIL
membership, more countries are entitled to elect council members or to nominate
and elect additional council members. The list below gives full details
regarding the situation for each country.

Procedure for nominating council members:
The nomination form is available on EAHIL web site
http://www.eahil.net/elect-form_2006_11.doc (About EAHIL). Any two members can
nominate a council member from their own country Please send the properly and
fully completed form NOT LATER THAN November 15th, 2006 to the EAHIL Election
Committee. (Address is on the form). After the nomination period we will set up
secure electronic elections through the EAHIL membership database. The election
period will be one month. To be able to participate in the council election,
please make sure that you have your userid and password to the membership

Please encourage members to stand for the Council election!

On behalf of the election committee,

Arne Jakobsson
EAHIL president

1 member – 0 council members

7 members – shall nominate 1 council members

39 members – shall nominate 2 council members
René Mertens (2003-2006 2nd term) can not be re-elected
Françoise Pasleau (2003-2006 2nd term) can not be re-elected

1 member – 0 council members

4 members – 0 council members

1 member – 0 council members

Czech Republic
15 members – is entitled to 1 council members.
Dana Zdenkova (2005-2008 1st term)

36 members – shall nominate 2 council members
Conni Skrubbeltrang (2003-2006 1st term) can be re-elected

3 members – 0 council members
Keiu Saarniit (2002-2006 1st term)

41 members – is entitled to 2 council members.
Katri Larmo (2007-2010)
Jouni Leinonen (2007-2010)
Pirjo Rajakiili (2003-2006 2nd term) can not be re-elected and board member from

34 members – shall nominate 2 council members
Benoit Thirion (2003-2006 1st term) can not be elected because Benoit Thirion is
co-opted board member

41 members – shall nominate 2 council members
Friedhelm RUMP (2003-2006 1st term) can be re-elected

5 members – shall nominate 1 council member
Litsa Lappa (2004-2007 2nd term) can not be re-elected

16 members – is entitled to 1 council members.
Livia Vasas (2005-2008 2nd term)

3 members – 0 council members

45 members – shall nominate 2 council members
Muriel Haire (2003-2006 1st term) can be re-elected

61 members – is entitled to 3 council members. Shall nominate 2 council members
Maurella Della Seta (2005-2008 2nd term) Chiara Bassi (2003-2006 1st term) can
be re-elected Laura Tei (2003-2006 1st term) can be re-elected

35 members – shall nominate 2 council members

7 members – shall nominate 1 council members

1 member – 0 council members

6 members – shall nominate 1 council member

55 members – shall nominate 3 council members
Rikie Deurenberg (2003-2006 1st term) can be re-elected

73 members – shall nominate 3 council members
Patricia Flor (2003-2006 2nd term) can not be re-elected
Hilde Strømme (2003-2006 1st term) can be re-elected

11 members – is entitled to 1 council members.
Barbara Niedzwiedzka (2005-2008)

19 members – shall nominate 1 council members

13 members – shall nominate 1 council members

Russian Federation
13 members – shall nominate 1 council members

Slovak Republic
1 member – no council member

13 members – shall nominate 1 council members
Annamarija Rozic (2003-2006 1st term) – can be re-elected

40 members – shall nominate 2 council members
Fanny Ribes Cot (2003-2006 1st term) – can be re-elected

63 members – is entitled to 3 council members.
Eva Alopeaus (2007-2010)
Birgitta Stevinger (2005-2008)
Ingrid Harnemo (2007-2010)

27 members – is entitled to 1 council members.
Minielle Brasey (2005-2008)

3 members – 0 council members

205 members – shall nominate 3 council members
Peter Morgan (2003-2006 2nd term) – can not be re-elected
Bruce Madge (2003-2006 1st term) – can be re-elected