Wellcome Trust Policy & Springer Open Choice

Vom 1.Okt.2005 an macht es der Wellcome Trust verpflichtend für Förderanträge, dass Ergebnisse Open Access publiziert werden. [via liblicense]. Springer’s Jan Velterop erklärt daraufhin, das Open Choice die Wellcome-Bedingungen erfüllt.

Robert Kiley, Head of Systems Strategy & Acting Librarian, Wellcome Library, liefert die genaue Definition, was der Trust als OA-Paper akzeptiert:

1. The policy applies to peer-reviewed, original (primary) research publications that have been supported, in whole or in part, by the Wellcome Trust. The „final manuscript of an author’s research paper“ is the final version that is accepted for journal publication, and includes all modifications from the publishing peer review process in a final version as edited by the author. This version may be in, say, a Microsoft Word or Word Perfect format. This is the minimum standard that is acceptable to fulfil the Wellcome Trust Grant Conditions. However, authors should note that journals‘ own SGML/XML and PDF versions would be the preferred version to be deposited, where authors‘ agreements with journals allow this.

2. To this end, we encourage authors to publish their research in open access journals, which would allow the deposition of the final journal copy edited version in PMC. Articles published in OA journals (for example the BMJ or the „author/funder pays“) should be made available in PMC at the time of publication and in most cases the journal will automatically make the deposition into PMC.

3. In cases where the journal is in a „hybrid mode“ – some articles are OA, and some are not (e.g. journals in the Springer Open Choice programme), we would insist that on those occasions where the Trust had met the OA costs, then the final, journal copy-edited version, should be deposited in PMC. In such cases, access to these papers should not be embargoed for 6 months.

Jan Velterop, Director of Open Access, Springer, schreibt dazu in liblicense-l (Hervorhebungen von mir):

In response to point 3 in Robert Kiley’s message, I can confirm that the Springer Open Choice articles are full open access, according to the definition as given in e.g. the Berlin Declaration and Bethesda Statement. This means that there is no embargo and that the final, copy-edited and published version will be immediately available with full open access and that they can be deposited in PubMed Central, and other repositories if so desired, without delay. The Springer Open Choice option is available for more than 1200 Springer journals, not just for the biomedical ones, but for journals in all disciplines in which Springer publishes.