15 Free Healthcare Apps for the iPhone

FierceHealthcare rezensiert in 15 Free Healthcare Apps for the iPhone die folgenden 15 Anwendungen:

  • WebMD Mobile for checking symptoms of a lingering illness to get a better understanding of drugs
  • Epocrates Rx, designed with healthcare professionals in mind and a continuously updated drug database
  • EmergenKey
  • Notfallkoffer
  • Diabetes Log keeps track of all vital information–glucose readings, food intake and medical records
  • Health Cloud lets Google Health users access their personal health records
  • General Medical History aids medical students in taking a patient’s history
  • Headache Diary helps patients to keep logs of all their headaches on a day-to-day basis
  • ReachMD CME is for the physician who want to earn Continuing Medical Education credits by listing to the programs and take the corresponding CME test from their iPhones
  • iTriage allows patients to enter their symptoms into a database, where probable diseases, treatments and directions are automatically pointed out
  • ICD9 Consult allows for easy access to medical diagnosis coding by disease classification
  • Swine Flu Tracker allows users to keep track of all outbreaks of swine flue throughout the world with Google Maps
  • iSleep Tracker allows users to keep track of their sleeping habits by charts and logs over time
  • Skyscape Medical Resources is a four-part app that helps users do everything from staying updated on the lastest medical information to remembering medical algorithms and calculations
  • Natural Cures helps users to learn how to combine natural and prescription therapies to maximize their health
  • MedCalc is a free medical calculator use primarily by physicians to get easy access to complicated medical formulas