Forscher individuell mit Veröffentlichungsfolgen konfrontieren

Die Oregon State University, bekannt als Meinungsführer zu Open Access, geht bei der „Erziehung“ ihrer wissenschaftlichen Autoren neue, verheißungsvolle Wege. Michael H. Boock, A Faculty Led Response to the Crisis in Scholarly Communications, Electronic Journal of Academic and Special Librarianship, Winter 2007

The task force found that the optimal method of communicating information about journal costs to faculty is through review and analysis of the journals in which faculty from different academic units publish….The task force member sends the title list of publications to the library. The library compiles a spreadsheet that includes journal title, cost for print subscription for an institution of OSU’s size, journal impact factor, and publisher information…. The task force member analyzes the data, identifies extremely high cost journals, and compares cost with impact factor….

via Peter Suber