NLM’s Long Range Plans 2006-2016

[Thanks to Krafty]
The final version of the Long Range Plan is on the NLM website, currently the plan is in PDF but an HTML version is forthcoming.

The plan states the strategic vision of NLM (derived from the meeting of the Strategic Vision Working Group in Washington, DC on Apr. 11-12, 2005), previous decades of progress (1986-2006, and the Plan for 2006-2016.

The Plan has four goals:

  1. Seamless, uninterrupted access to expanding collections of biomedical data, medical knowledge, and health information.
  2. Trusted information services that promote health literacy, improve health outcomes, and reduce health disparities worldwide.
  3. Integrated biomedical, clinical, and public health information systems that promote scientific discovery and speed the translation of research into practice.
  4. A strong and diverse workforce for biomedical informatics, research, systems development and innovative service delivery.