Health Information Needs II

In der liblicense Diskussion Library mediated information vs. self-information trifft David Goodman den Nagel auf den Kopf, wenn er schreibt (Zitat des Tages):

There are two key points Tony overlooks. 1. Each person has the right to privacy in meeting information needs. Information professionals respect privacy, but many users will choose not to disclose the medical situation to a stranger, and they have the right to information none the less. 2. […] Considering the number of people in need of medical information, there is no possibility that librarians can help more than a very small fraction. The only way reference service survives for any library is that few people ever ask. Therefore, the work of librarians is by necessity largely devoted to constructing systems by which the public can meet their needs without direct personal mediation. (Hervorhebung von mir)

Und das hat er wortwörtlich von mir geklaut ;-): Would [Tony] accept the proposition that there should be OA to all material requested with the help of a librarian?