Die erste Ausgabe 2005 des JMLA ist nun verfügbar. Meine Favoriten:
- The challenging world of hospital librarians
- Trends in academic health sciences libraries and their emergence as the “knowledge nexus” for their academic health centers
- Role of expert searching in health sciences libraries
- Constructing a concise medical taxonomy (from MeSH to Web)
- Seize the E-Journal: Models for Archiving
- Life and death on the coral reef: an ecological perspective on scholarly publishing in the health sciences (hatte ich ob des Titelanfangs doch glatt übersehen)
We need to convince our fellow librarians and faculty colleagues that change is essential, it is in their best interest, and it merits action…. If ever we had a chance to help break the old mold and design a new one for the future, this is that time…. It appears that electronic publishing may well reduce the stranglehold of monopolies and, at least for a time, restore a freer free market…. By working with faculty colleagues, we can play a role in controlling the supply of resources to various publishing vehicles as well as the way they are accessed. If we do not take a part in this revolution, we will surely be its victims…. [via Open Access News]
[via Peter Scott’s]