Like it or not, we are in a Google searching world


Krafty weist auf den lesenswerten NEJM-Artikel Searching for the Right Search – Reaching the Medical Literature (Jan. 5, 2006, v. 354: 4-7, OVID) hin. Der Autor points to data compiled by High Wire Press, that Google provided the majority of referrals to articles in HighWire (56.4%). In fact, PubMed only accounted for 8.7% of the referrals to HighWire articles. While the number of searches conducted in PubMed has increaded to about 70 million/month, there is also an increase in number of people who are referred to PubMed citations and abstracts through Google searches. Krafty resümiert treffend: So, like it or not, we are in a Google searching world. Und ich resümiere: Heute legen wir unseren Benutzern die MeSH-Suche ans Herz, morgen sind wir froh, wenn sie überhaupt Medline benutzen.